Cape Floristic Region (CFR)

The CFR is dominated by fynbos plants. Fynbos was so named by early Dutch settlers named after  its small and fine characteristics and commonly used as fire wood. The region boasts a wide variety of plants many of which have been used medicinally by the people in the region. Commonly used fynbos plants include the ever popular rooibos, honeybush, wilde-als, wilde- dagga and many more.


Fynbos medicine                           

Many of the fynbos species has been used medicinally. This is a tradition passed along through centuries. People use rooibos for colic in infants, acne in teenagers and as a health beverage. Currently it is also used in cosmetics.

Honeybush has been used for dietary purposes, expectorant and skin cancers.It is also reportedly used to relieve heartburn. 

Wilde-als has been used to treat stomach ailments and asthma and many other fynbos species all have their own special properties.

Fynbos plants reportedly have high levels of anti-oxidants and plants such as rooibos and honeybush have low tannin content and no caffeine.


Fynbos Soap

With the diversity and healing possibilities that fynbos offer in mind , we created fynbos soap.  Worldwide we are experiencing a trend of living healthier, consuming healthier foodstuffs and generally improving the quality of life. Together with the high cost of conventional medicine and healthcare, many more people are looking at healthier herbal alternatives. Since skin absorbs a high percentage of what it comes into contact with we have decided to add our hebal exstracts to the carrier compound(glycerine) and in this way creating herbal fynbos soaps.

These extracts, merged with pure glycerine and the purest essential oils, ensure that our fynbos soap has no harmful ingredients. The absence of additional chemicals ensures that your skin is exposed only to the best of fynbos.



Fynbos extracts such as rooibos(Asphalatus linearis) extract, honeybush(Cyclopia intermedia) extract, wilde-als(Artemesia afra) exstracts and many more.

All extracts are aqueous (water based) this means no alcohols or other chemicals are used

Only essential plant oils are used

Only pure glycerine is used

All soaps are handmade.

Contact: André

